Iona Beach, near Richmond.
The photo (not mine!) is from )
As you can imagine, the return ride along Iona road was absolutely a completely different experience. It as if an unseen hand was gently pushing our backs, so that we were coasting along at 40-45km/hr (25 -28mph) without effort. In a car, that my not seem like much, but on a bike, that's a pretty fast pace. So, 70km after we started out (a short ride, thanks to those headwinds), my cycling friends and I were in a coffee shop sipping a latte, talking about my upcoming GearUp4CF ride in June. I am so happy to be back on the bike again. My right ankle, broken last year, performed splendidly in its first big test since my surgery just over two weeks ago. It feels like I am completely recovered.
By the way, we're looking for a few more riders to join us on this magnificent fundraising ride for CF, from White Rock to Banff. This requires a serious commitment, but it will be great fun. The ride is limited to 22-24 cyclists. Interested? Contact the GearUp4Cf office, located on the website and let them know as soon as possible.
Late afternoon update: It's a good thing we came back when we did. It's starting to hail now. What a wild day!